Looking at buying a Can-Am Spyder


Looking at buying a Spyder, would love to hear some of your thoughts.

So I've been pretty sold on the RT for years now, I always thought it was the most comfortable model they made. Yesterday, I sat on an F3 for the first time, I think my mind may have changed. I like the way you sit down a bit further in the seat on an F3, compared to the RT. With that said, passenger comfort will be the deciding factor in buying one. I did not realize you can put saddle bags and the backrest on the F3, essentially making the rear seat area almost identical to the RT. From those who have both models, or one of each at some point in time. Which do you prefer?

Sorry if this isn't appropriate for this group, but I would love some opinions before We purchase. This is no small purchase for us so I just want to get as much real life info as I can!

These are the two I went looking at.

Looking at buying a Can-Am Spyder

Looking at buying a Can-Am Spyder

3 years 50 Answers 2263 views 0

Answers ( 50 )


    I have an RT and my husband has a F3. I like to sit up straighter- so I prefer the RT. If I ride the F3 very long it hurts my back. But I love the motor parameters of the F3!


    Love the feel of the forward foot position on my F3. That is actually the reason o bought it. My wife love the comfort of the rear seat. Her only complaint is she catches more air than before.


    I have the RT Limited and love it. Our son, who is 24, has an F3. More sporty and suits him.


    Try to see if you can take both on a good test drive with your passenger.


    Buy both ride safe !


    Solo riding F3, 2up RT


    I’m an F3 passenger with a back rest. I’m very comfortable. I would love to have better footboards, but I’m good with the stock options. I’ve not ridden on the RT but it is much more comfortable than our original RSS.


    I have the RT Limited & love it. Long trips, it’s hands down better. Stereo, storage space & GPS makes it that much better. The F3 is a good looking sporty model. You will enjoy either so have a good time. Try them both, see what feels more comfortable to you.


    I think the versatility of the F3 is better. You still sit down "in" the bike for the ability of a more aggressive ride, plus the ability to ride long distances. The luxury things like saddlebags, radio, etc are a plus. The F3 was a genius design from Can-Am in my opinion.


    I currently have a RT and am enjoying it. I test drover a F3 and if I had test drove this before buying the RT, I would have bought the F3. You sit further back and with the adjustable foot boards it’s really nice to be able to stretch your legs out. Add the drivers back rest and it was great.


    Tyler Laudenslager lots of pros. The only cons to the F3 that I see are the wind, might as well not even have a windshield ( I like the wind) and a whole lot more time when it comes to cleaning. Not that I have had to clean mine yet. Only 150 miles on it so far.


    I have one like the blue color on my 2013 Spyder RTS SemiAutomatic You will totally love and appreciate the Spyder RTS I know I do


    You might try an F3T… I tried both and went with the Rt-s


    No matter which one you get you’ll love itu2764ufe0f


    I owned a 2014 RTS and now I have a 2016 F3 t I’ve driven both cross country and find my f3t hands down more comfortable from legs to the way I sit in the bike everything as for the storage when you get the saddle bag situation sorted out and put a backrest on it for your passenger you’ll notice the comfort is just as good all the way around and you can hold just as much stuff you just load it a little differently on an RT then the F3


    F3-S all the way! I have one and absolutely love it! Get what’s best for you and ride!!!


    My reaction to the F3 was the opposite. I have an RT Ltd, which I love. I hated the F3 that I test rode at a dealer event. In fairness, though, I must add that they refused to adjust the brake and foot rest positions for me — I had to ryde it the way it was, and for me it was terrible.


    Must prefer my RT Ltd..I am over 6ft tall and the seat on the F3 was far too low for my arthritic knees to handle


    RT for me like i said im a short arse lol


    I love my RT…love it


    Ditto for me. Had mind made up for a RT. Until I sat on/in both. And felt difference in sitting down in seat. And feet also sit differently (stretch out more). But they call it the cruiser for a reason. LOVE my F3! It ‘fits’ me better. Have fun!


    We have the RT Limited, I do like the changes made on the F3, if there was a power adjustable windshield I could be swayed


    If you like the f-3 you should go with the 2017 limited as it has everything bells and whistles) for storage like the RT’s, though I wonder if you have more room in the RT side compartments. I love the idea of sitting down 4 more inches but I really like the more closed body verses the bottom open frame area on F-3. LOL really hard choice will be interested to know which one you go with. If I had the funds I would own both 😉


    Me on my RTS getting it done on 129 the Dragon but my f3s and now my f3t make riding aggressive even better f3 to the front but i had a ball on my 204 RTS


    I love the taller windshield at the storage on the RT I can ride long distances in Comfort if I was rich I’d have an RT sitting decided for short Speedy jaunts


    Believe it or not and F3 2017 F3 Limited has as much maybe slightly more storage than an RT due to its rear trunk, but it just means using the storage differently than you do on nrt


    I am an RT Limited guy and so is my wife. We love the comfort of the bike on long rides…good luck on your final decision….you can’t go wrong with either model.


    I have the RT with a touring seat. It gives me 2" extra leg room. I found the stock seat too short. I have arthritis in knees. Find the F3 awkward to dismount. Otherwise I might prefer it. Drive them. You will figure out your preference easily.


    I was recently at a local Spyder rally and as I own a 2014 RT Limited I asked the same question of the Can Am dealership. I was told for two up seating the RT is the way to go. If you intend to do more riding as a single rider the F3 is the way to go, much more options for fitment.


    RT is the way to go, if your Ryding double and going on long trips.


    Can you afford $300/for an oil change?

    Almost $100.00 if you do it yourself or cheaper if you buy after market oil plugs and just purchase the oil.

    Rear tires wear out quickly…. Another $300.00 to replace…

    I love my spyder and on my 2nd…. If you ride very little or a lot like I do you need to be able to do basic preventative maintence items like oil changes.
    Buy a model after 2014 with the 1330 engine..

    Welcome to the club if you choose to purchase.


    I am going through the same thought process. Most of the input I received is that the f3’s are superior in most categories EXCEPT passenger comfort. The are ok for 2 up riding for short trips and smaller people.


    the easiest way to explain the difference between rt and f3 is the rt is like a Goldwing the f3 is like a cruiser


    Nope rt if your going to put long haul miles on


    My honey has never been happier since I traded my F3 for an RT Limited.


    Love my wife f3 great power band. Love the cornering but prefer my 2015 rt for them long runs. Each has it purpose


    If you want to cruise, the RT Limited is great..


    For solo I prefer the F3 to my RT but two up probably the RT. Ride both.


    Make sure you drive the byke, before you buy (not one "just like it")


    It depends on what works for you. You need to ride them for a few miles and see what you like. Remember that you will ride for several hundreds of miles at a time so comfort is key.


    Try sitting in them both. All good points above. I understand your liking the drivers riding position. Both are great.


    We solved the issue by each getting what we wanted. Wife has the RT-L, I have the F3-L. We’ve tried two up on both and think the RT has more comfort for the passenger (stock seating). For the driver your feet are underneath you which for me cramps my knees. The F3 sits more like a two wheeler, I can stretch out more. The air flow is drastically different between the two.
    If possible you need more than just a 15 minute test ride to get a true feel for what works best for you.


    Have a 2016 f3 ltd very comfortable love riding it


    The RT limited and the F-3 Limited each have character of their own! Your choice!


    Enough already. Get one of each


    They are both excellent choices but both are different Please make sure you sit on each and actually ride each I have the RT in falan distance it has been great for me they say and I do agree the differences on the arty yes sitting in a lawn chairs in on the F3 you’re sitting in a recliner


    I had a GS [’08], an RTS [’13] and now F-3S [’15] which I made into an F-3 SRT. By far the best one yet.

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