Ideal Riding Temperature for 2003 CBR600RR


Ideal riding temp for 2003 600rr? Just bought one and it seems to get hot quick… any help is appreciated.

Grove 6 years 14 Answers 1972 views 0

Answers ( 14 )


    180 while cruising, fan kicks on at 220


    168-185 depending on outside temp and speed. Fan comes on at 220, however I suggest a manual switch to get it to kick on when you want, you can kick it on at 205 and stay low.


    Depends. My bike like 185-190. Sitting at a light tho she gets to 220 often, but fan kicks on and then light turns green it goes back down.


    When normal riding mine stays around 174-178.


    Thanks for the advice and tips. Installing a manual switch seems to be the way to go, several people have recommended it.


    77-87 c° when riding; 103c° fan kicks in traffic. Max.
    Try changing 100% coolant.


    I’m running 178 consistently I use engine ice.


    My thermostat opens at 177 an as long as I’m riding it usually stays right around 177-185. Fan kicks on at 220 at a long redlight in the summer temp may rise close to 230 but never over. If it goes over shut it off.


      If u turn it all the way off the fan quits, so just turn the key 1 click back so the fan still stays on, and never ever get that thing above 230 and use “engine ice” coolant.


      Yea that’s hot. It might get 100 where I live in eastern NC but never 111.


      Shit, thats not even that bad for us. U know what we call 100°? 2am LoL But engine ice will help u and keep that thing under 230 no matter what. She’l always run. Its a Honda.


      I’m not the one having problems lol. My bike runs fine an yes Honda’s have been the most reliable bikes I’ve ever owned.


      South Florida heat here… but never seen 111. But it’s 90 @ 5:15 in the evening right now.


    I run BOTH my fans on individual push button switches. outside temp of 103 degrees sitting in traffic temp gauge reads 172 degrees.

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