What does everyone do to pass the time each day?


Hello guys, I have one question today! What does everyone do to pass the time each day?

Roger 6 years 0 Answers 2538 views 0

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    post random stuff on here and other rv sites.


    I live in a 15 year old MH. Always lots to do.


    Get a digital camera…you will never be bored again.


    Walk, sightsee, read, look for wildlife, geocache, watch movies, cook, shop, nap, plan where to go next!!


    Great question. What's your answer? For me it's books, satellite radio, carving, walking, music collection and dvd's.


    Entertain/exercise my dog (takes all my time!) Knit, cook, read books and magazines, ditto the working on the 35 y/o motorhome.


    Walk the interstates and highways, smoke pot, listen to music, smoke pot, oh, and get high


    Fish, canoe ..


    We go shopping every other day as we almost always need something from the stores in town. We eat out once or twice a week. We sit outside and watch the Resort happenings. We walk around and stop to chat with other snow-birds. We walk around a nice little community just outside the Resort. We take rides and do some sightseeing. We read, watch TV or Videos or play on our computers at night and in bad weather.


    I also have a bunch of potted flowers outside the RV I tend to. 🙂


    Well… I fly of course.
    As high as a kite if I want to.
    Faster than light if I want to.
    I speed thru the universe.
    Thinking is the best way to travel.
    In other words… I'm attending a gate in the the Texas oil fields. It's been referred to, on occasion, as"industrial boondocking". I do it in a 25 year old MH. So there is plenty to do to Keep my hands busy as well. Have five stringed instruments on board to fool with and a library card. I feed the wild rabbits croutons and have one eating out of my hand. Believe it or not he loves carrots as well. When I'm not doing this, I do hit the road. If it's summer, I head to the higher elevations of NM or Southern CO, working my way back south as it cools.


    Enjoy finding innovative ways to prepare meals in small places, doing a grocery & supplies list, storing stuff, laundry prep, sightseeing, planning the next trip down the road, visiting with other campers – if they appear willing to chat, work on hobbies, take a nap, go fishing, go exploring, try to identify plants & bugs, rearrange photos I have taken, just sitting and watching the world go by with a mug of tea in my hand . In other words -plenty of stuff.


    I'm not boon docking yet but hopefully someday must get things in order first


    Hike, bike, fish, beach combing, photography, do my jewelry, other crafts, rock hounding, metal detecting, golfing. Usually we are so busy looking around, we force ourselves to just stay put and relax a day or two out of shear exhaustion.




    Kayak, fish, hike, bike and visit local attractions. Take naps, read books and just watch the happenings around the camp grounds.


    Still working.


    almost done with my Tiny house…train my dogs, garden and actually anything else i want to do….have an RV and am a Traveler..


    hula hoop


    Also reading, walking, geocaching playing with the dogs and the sugar gliders.


    Riding our ATV.


    We don't boondock yet, but I write and knit and crochet and read and play music and just enjoy not having to get up at 3:30 am to go to work. I can entertain myself for days and days and days without TV or internet.


    Jeep & ATV trails!
    Lots of places to see & explore!


    Hike and mountain bike.


    My husband likes to walk the dogs and along the way meet other folks walking their dogs or sitting outside their rigs. He'll visit with them. When he finds out someone is having trouble with something on their rig he will try to help them fix it. This keeps him very occupied and he really enjoys it !!!!!!


    what ever one wants to do if your bored you are doing it wrong


    We use our iPads a play saduko when we can't go outside

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