Finbro Ecu For Honda MSX125 Grom


What’s everyone’s opinion on the finbro ecu? I have a ’17 with a m4 exhaust, radiator hose mod, and I swapped the spark plug to a cr7. I do a lot of full throttle for multiple miles at a time and I can smell the heat from the engine when I come to a stop.

Alex 6 years 9 Answers 2138 views 0

Answers ( 9 )


    Mine did that for the first 200 miles


    Its running fine for me. But its a humid environment here, like Thailand, so it runs better than it did where it was drier.


      If myrtle beach isn’t as humid as Thailand, I don’t know what is.


    I have no problems out my finbro. I’m running intake exhaust built head and a 12:3 compression piston


    I have that IDENTICAL setup. I change the oil with Honda synthetic every 2k. So far I have 31,500 trouble free miles. Most of my riding is wide open throttle at 55+ mph too.


      I usually run every gear until right before the limiter. I usually change my oil every 1k (perks of being a parts store manager lucas runs me $6 a quart)


      Same here, I shift at the limiter…haha. And yeah, oil is cheap insurance.


    Mines been dream. Works heat stock bore and is hit or miss with bbk’s

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