Donaldson 2 stage air filter, you can mount it anywhere you please?


Here is what I did. Donaldson 2 stage air filter, you can mount it anywhere you please, I’m going to move it later this winter when I have more time.

Donaldson 2 stage air filter, you can mount it anywhere you please?

Donaldson 2 stage air filter, you can mount it anywhere you please?

Donaldson 2 stage air filter, you can mount it anywhere you please?

Donaldson 2 stage air filter, you can mount it anywhere you please?

4 years 0 Answers 337 views 0

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    Now that looks like a much better way to keep the air filter clean!! Much easier to access!! Keep us posted how it works and don’t forget to include pics when you finalize the location!!

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