Icon Airframe Pro


Just ordered this helmet (icon airframe pro) and must say very disappointed. Ordered medium based off the manufacturer measurements and it’s way to tight. Can’t fit glasses in it hardly at all. And wind noise is still fairly bad.
Hoping the “looser” inserts will cure the figment issue and allow me to actually use it because glasses will not fit straight at all. but the wind noise is still pretty strong inside the helmet.

Colton 6 years 24 Answers 2163 views 0

Answers ( 24 )


    I was getting ready to order the same helmet. Because my flight helmet that I just got for Christmas has too much wind noise. You don’t recommend this helmet


    I have the airmada and have no problems going two years strong


    I hope get it sorted, I have the icon variant and alliance. Variant is my favourite by far, and my glasses fit but bit tight. I wear ear plugs so can’t comment on wind noise that much.


    Put it on your head and press straight down on it to pack the foam some.


    I rode the early part of last season with an Airframe Pro and the wind noise was low but the fit was all messed up. I bought an HJC RPHA 11 and I absolutely love it. I also wear ear plugs almost every tome I ride.


    Orders a helmet. Sees it’s too small. Installs Sena anyways. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


    I seen on here a while ago someone had pretty bad wind noise and they took clear packing tape over there vents and it solved the problem I did the same thing works of difference


    Can you find a ‘gentle’ pair of ear plugs that doesn’t mess with the sena much?


    That’s what happens when you buy Icon.


    Icon is really cheap. The graphics are the only things I like


    Heard about tight fit, went a size up and still feel it’s tight, nearly tears my ears off


    Icon helmets all have a more long oval shape (tighter in the sides/more room front to back). I have a more round head, so none of the Icons fit me well. For noise levels, try these ear plugs. I have them and can still hear my Sena 20s without issue, but they basically eliminate wind noise. https://www.earpeace.com/products/motorcycle-ear-plugs?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqvC699e62QIVEbXACh0jcg1QEAQYASABEgIzZ_D_BwE&variant=40836254468


    Why not return or exchange?


    I love my icon. More quiet than my hjc or sedici


    Fly sentinel is a nice fitting helmet 4 adjustable vents and shell isn’™t huge


    Sorry you didn’t have good luck with it. I love my Airframe Pro and I love the tight fit. Feels super secure and doesn’t hurt. I can still get my glasses in too if I need to, but I generally ride in contacts.


    Shoulda bought a shoei


    I actually love this helmet. I had to get the smaller insert and it fits perfect. It does run tight with the stock pads in it


    Try the hjc rpha11 pro. It’s hands down my absolute favorite helmet. Lots of air flow, EXTREMELY LIGHT, safe, noise is okay, has speaker cut outs, best part is it comes with a black tinted shield free of charge.


    I’ve had 3 HJC helmets that all served me well. Hoping to get an RPHA eventually


    I’ll never buy a non shoei or arai again. Every time I do I am sorry. I know they are expensive but your helmet comfort makes a huge difference to the riding experiences


    I’m sure you’re taking a little break in into consideration. Yea, frustrating.


    Avoid HJC CL-17, noisy as heck


    Every helmet I’ve ever ordered online I’ve had to get at least one size over what their size chart says

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