Confession: I have no clue how to maintain my bicycle.


Confession: I have no clue how to maintain my bicycle.

My ex-husband used to tune up and work on my bike. I have a great LBS that I trust and take my bike to for minor repairs and tune ups, but I’m at a loss when it comes to most things besides actually riding her. I logged an average of 100-200 miles per week all summer. I ride a lot. Can someone recommend a book to teach me all things bicycle.

***forgive me for not doing the search function in the group. I’m also technologically inept. ?

Alexa 5 years 0 Answers 2044 views 0

Answers ( No )


    Park tools has a very good bike maintainance manual .


    U tube ?


    10 minutes at youtube and you'll be good to go

    0 and are your friends…


    Never heard of Park tool! Thanks


    Many bike shops offer free repair classes, including women-only classes, often taught by women. The idea is they may lose a little in repair revenue, but they'll more than make up for it with loyal customers who buy from them for years. Might be worth asking around.


    YouTube and sometimes the LBS's put on clinics that cover things like routine maintenance and other type things. Get with a local bike club (pay dues) and they'll usually do the same also.




    RJ The Bike Guy


    I guess it depends on your preferred learning style. With YouTube you can pause or repeat things. With in-person, you're not only in front of a live person, but you get things repeated in different words and ask questions about things even the best video might not cover (even though they're excellent videos, they can't possibly cover every question someone might ask).

    On the other hand, some shop employees are better instructors than others..

    Also, let's say you're you have small hands and difficult seating a tire (especially a road bike tire). The Park instruction doesn't cover this (I checked the outline), but a shop employee will tell you that you can use a VAR or other tire seating tool. For many women, this is a big deal. Park doesn't make one, so they're not likely to mention it. The same is true of non-woman-friendly tools like pumps or bottom bottom bracket removal (on some bike types).

    Finally, you get to talk with other women cyclists and share experiences and tips.


    Check for community bikeshops and make friends with other mechanic gals, and yes Youtube has lots of videos to fix anything you want to learn about.


    I prefer in person learning. Thus a class would be GREAT. Not everyone had a good cell phone – yep some old styles out there still. I mention this cuz my 1st flat i was riding solo & recently had broken my smart phone using old style phone for a bit of time & it just didnt utube it when i could have used it so i muddled through to fix sucessfully


    Well done! I should mention that every person on this forum knew nothing about bicycle repair at some point in their riding career.Except me.I knew even less.


    Global Cycling Network YouTube videos are amazing they brought me up to speed on bike maintenance and such


    I just want to throw out a sincere thank you! I appreciate the fact that there is so many helpful answers. Tri community thrives a bit on making you feel like an idiot for asking questions. I've got tough skin, but I appreciate solid answers.


    YouTube, all your mechanical answers are there..


    I support my local bike mechanic…not because i cant do it myself..just to keep him working..and making a living!


    You are not the only one who is learning to care for their cycle. The first thing to learn is chain care; use youtube. I like the Park Tool videos. Even if you are not going to do the maintenance yourself, start learning now.


    Boyfriend application;
    1. Must know how to maintain bicycle
    2. Must be cyclist
    3. If answered no to first two nevermind
    Just kidding
    There are several bike mechanics here that can guide you on specific issues you might have.


    Lots of shops and REI will have beginner bike maintenance workshops; some even female based


    Have you a spare bike? If so take it to bits and put it back together loads of tips on YouTube.


    anything by Zenn.


    Zinn has an excellent book. also if you can find it on amazon, greg lemond


    Wow, great topic! So many good comments, too 🙂

    For manuals, like many others have said, just Google search the thing you want to know about bikes (i.e. "how does rear derailleur work?"), then click the "videos" tab at the top and start watching. Look for videos by Park tools, they're really good, but there are lots of good tutorials on all things bike-related, and they are usually pretty quick. Watch a couple until you find one that makes the most sense to you.

    My 2¢: You don't need to be a bike mechanic to own a bike, many people really don't even like that part. That's a service your local bike shop offers, so don't feel obliged to do it yourself. It does not make you any less legitimate of a cyclist. That being said, doing your own maintenance does develop a certain intimacy with your ride, a level of familiarity and understanding that you just cannot otherwise get.

    Do it how it works for you.


    Many REI stores have bike maintenance classes.


    The global cycling network has tons and tons of videos …you tube


    Join a bike club that offers classes and find a mentor there.


    try You Tube


    anything you want to know about fixing a bicycle is on you tube


    You Tube is a great resource, but I would also recommend buying a book on bike maintenance. You Tube can give you great videos on how to do a just about any bike repair or maintenance task. But one of the bike maintenance books is better at laying out the basics as far as bike parts and what general maintenance should be done and at what intervals, in my opinion anyway. I use both resources.


    Lansing has a bike co-op and should have clinics and tools you can use. I'd check to see what they offer.


    Hang around your local bike shop and tell then exactly this!
    I'm sure they will teach you the basics free of charge!


    Books take too long. Good for specific things but hands on for gear & brake adjustments and wheel truing, much quicker& easier.


    Even if you don't do your own work for certain projects, manuals are great for understanding how things work so you can wrap your head around what needs doing, or being done. Most have good troubleshooting sections.


    Youtube global cycling network


    Alexa… As far as maintence and repair youtube is great. I would particularly dirrect you to Park Tools videos as they are very easy to follow and to apply, plus they tell you tools you might need or work arounds.


    Numerous bike shops here in Colorado have free basic classes like how to change a tire, change out a chain, etc. We also have classes at REI which go more in depth. I would look around and see what is out there. Maybe check your community colleges, bike shops, meetups, etc


    Looks like a case for the HUB to host another Women Know Thy Bike. I'm in the same boat!


    Little Blue Book


    I attend YouTube University. I'm well on my way to knowing everything.


    Join a local bike club. I bet they have lots of Great Folks who would be more than happy and willing to teach you all about bike mechanics!!! Just a thought!


    I've heard of people being able to pay a little extra and their LBS will teach them the repair you took you bike in for.


    There's a Facebook page dedicated to bicycle repair. You can ask any question and someone will have the answer:


    This might be a place you want to check out. I don't know how close it is to you but it might be convenient.


    Zinn and the Art of Road Bike Maintenance. He also makes one for mountain bikes. I think they are up to 5th editions each now.

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