Any thoughts on the Shoei VFX-W?


Any thoughts on the Shoei VFX-W? Thinking about getting one?

Bryan Gioia Love:

mine. Little tight to get on and off, but once on super comfy and doesn’t move around at all. The thing with helmets though, is what might be a perfect fit for my cranium could feel like a vice on someone else’s.

Chris 6 years 0 Answers 1273 views 0

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    Legit helmet but you may want to take a look at their new VFX Evo.


    Love my Shoei helmets. Have 2. My older VFX is about 10 yrs old, parts have been discontinued but still easy to find. Just bought a new liner and mouth guard piece.


    Nope. No thoughts on it 🤪


    Love mine. Little tight to get on and off, but once on super comfy and doesn’t move around at all. The thing with helmets though, is what might be a perfect fit for my cranium could feel like a vice on someone else’s.


    Love mine !!


    I back ordered a evo. Can’t wait till it gets here.


    I have an Arai and a Airoh, which I both like, just wanna try something different.


    I got a evo the ventilation is awesome and fit\nIs perfect


    Used shoei dirt lids for years. Vfxws are awesome


    I’d go with bell moto 9 flex or the 6d they have the cushion Barrier in them that really helps with concussions and such. I personally really like my bell over the 6d for fit but I have plenty of friends who likes the 6d more so it’s more of what shape head you have on which you’ll like more.


    Money very well spent👍🏼👍🏼


    Been wearing a VFX-W for a few years, but bought a Just 1 J12 carbon and it’s my new favorite.


    Far too heavy


    I’ve always worn Arai and bought a VFX and the shape was uncomfortable to me , I would put one on your head and make sure it’s the right shape

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