Aspen King Trailer


Ok all you big brained trailer towers, what is the largest Yeti or Rctic coller that can be placed o the cooler rack of a 2010 Aspen King Trailer? 45 Qt, 55 QT, 65QT, or go mega with 110QT. Suggestions and pics please if possible, thank you in advance

Derek 6 years 0 Answers 1144 views 0

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    Almost all the weight a cooler has in it will be on the tongue weight. The trailer already will be 30 to 40 lbs so if you put 20 lbs of ice and food in the big cooler that will just about overload your trailer hitch. I think the 26 qt cooler would be all I would put on the tongue of any trailer pulled by a bike.


    Great question


    I’m just grateful to be able to carry a hard cooler, let alone how many gallon. I guess too many years of soft sided coolers bunged on the back smooching everything and dripping water .


    I pull a Aspen Classic and also wanted to use a Yeti or similar cooler. The Yeti 45Q weights 35lbs.I decided that the coolers alone were much too heavy. \nI went with a cheep Coleman and end up getting ice everyday. I wish there was something different but by the time you fill a cooler with food, water and beer it’s plenty heavy enough.


    I agree with Gary, the Yeti is just too heavy. I went with one of those iceless coolers that you plug in. I still use ice packs that keep it cold even in the desert for days.


    I pull a 2017 aspen classic use a 50 qt yeti cooler I load all my heavy items to rear of trailer it takes a lot of tongue wt. off and reduces it to 35 lbs it works good for us ! I also carry spare tire on rear of trailer


    Depends how much stuff you are going to leave in it when you travel.

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