Tent camping near Salida, CO


Looks like a nice weekend ahead for a small hop into Colorado and New Mexico. Will be tent camping near Salida, CO tomorrow night and Sunday, l continue south to Pagosa Springs, CO and Taos, NM heading back home.

Anyone from this group going to be on the road around the route or camping in the neighboring areas? Would be great to see a few of y'all out on the roads. Ride safe and have fun!!!

Tent camping near Salida, CO

Tent camping near Salida, CO

3 years 0 Answers 469 views 0

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    What’s the roads your taking?


    Me and my lady will be heading out early Saturday morning from northern Arkansas. Should be in salida by Sunday morning. And then north to Yellowstone and on to glacier national Park .


    I live near Canon City Colorado. …drop in and say howdy


    Hi. This looks like a great route. Please list the roads you’re taking. Thanks.


    If you can, go south out of Alamosa to Antonito and take 17 to Chama NM.


    Make sure you take a hot spring soak in Pagosa!


    Well. Unfortunately, my bike seems to still have a cooling issue. Made it to Dumas, TX before the overflow tank was filled with coolant and started leaking out. Back in Amarillo, TX heading home to take the bike to a dealer and see what’s up.

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