Kill switch: can it be replace by a generick switch?


Also remove the connectionbehind the lamp. On 2018 it lasted a year..

Anonymous 3 years 0 Answers 371 views 0

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    Also remove the connectionbehind the lamp. On 2018 it lasted a year.


    Over the winter I re-wired mine to remove the multi-switch. I put the starter on the left so it would be more convenient to clutch and re-start and put a Suzuki DR 350 kill button on the right side. Piece of cake with the wiring diagram in front of me.


    I replaced it with a cev switch as the KTM s have


    Any switch will work. It's just going to a ground. I didn't like the stock switch anyway so I installed two switches, one for the kill button in a normal position on the left and one on the right for the starter.

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